cycle-to-work schemes


What are the
Cycle-to-work schemes?

Cycle-to-work schemes aim to get more people out of their cars and cycling to work instead. The schemes enable employees to save money on their bike and cycling gear by purchasing it through their employer from their pre-tax income.

In short, this can mean savings of up to 47% depending on the cycle-to-work scheme provider your employer uses.

The UK government recently updated the schemes’ rules, making it clear that they can be used for bikes worth over £1,000, which most quality e-bikes are.

employee Benefits

• Have a Gocycle with accessories and save up to 47%, depending on tax rate

• Actually own the bike at the end of the scheme

• Save money on the cost of running a car; no stress about parking or using public transport

• Cycle to work on your Gocycle without getting hot and sweaty

• Enjoy using the bike at the weekends too

• Improve your health; reduce air pollution; help make the planet a better place to live

our cycle-to-work Partners

Click on each scheme to find more information on how to apply
for your new Gocycle. (Please note ex-demo Gocycles are excluded).

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